Thursday, 13 November 2008

Colour Filtering

Colour Filtering
The next thing we learnt about was colour filtering; this is used to take away any unnecessary things in the pictures. The reason for doing this is to make the location the way you want it to be by editing out things which should not be there. To do this I used Adobe Photoshop
1) Select the image you want to use and open it in Adobe
2) Create a new layer by clicking
3) Click on and change Saturation
4) Click on the pencil and go to the paintbrush icon and click on the colour replacement brush
5) Click on the background layer and shade it in the colour you want it
6) Add a new layer if you want to insert text
7) Sometimes cropping may be necessary and to do this click on and crop out the bit you do not want shown in your image
This is the picture before it was edited using Adobe Photoshop.
This is the image after editing has occured; looking at this you should notice that the grey wall is no longer present.

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