Thursday, 12 February 2009

Magazine Front Cover and Commentary

Commentary for my magazine Front cover
Commentary for my magazine Front cover
When I conducted my questionnaire I asked them to pick three colours as I was going to use three body colours for the front cover of my magazine however in production I used two which was Red and White for the cove line, sell line and masthead; I did have a third colour which was black because it was the colour of his clothes. As a result of this I thought it would have been better if I didn’t include the blue as it would appear to be an anomaly colour. These two colours were also the most popular scoring 20% which was the same. I put the initial cost of the magazine as £1.50 because in my questionnaire I asked them the price they were willing to purchase a magazine for and whether they read magazines on a daily basis. From these answer I thought that I could make my music magazine a weekly one at the price of £1.50 as people would be willing to buy it on a weekly basis. I interpreted this from the answer that they read magazines on a daily basis.
Two main images are on the front cover of the same person to indicate that the magazine is mainly about them also according to the results I collected half of the respondent’s said that images attract them to a magazine therefore by placing two on the front cover I am trying to attract a audience that is caught by images rather than colour which is shown by the limited amount of colours I have used. The use of a guitar was something that I though of before when I did my mood board as I had a rough idea of the genre the magazine was going to be before I conducted the questionnaire. The image in the middle uses a low angle shot this was used to emphases his passion of music which is also shown in his facial expressions. The colour red has many meanings and one of the connotations is passion. If someone was looking at the image and looking for the denotation I hope they would come to the conclusion of a young male, enthusiastic in music, the use of black shoes his power and the red his passion. The camera angle used for the foreground was also low angle this is because it shows his passion for music once again. I wanted to make this point very clear which is why I have used it twice.

From the images shown on my plan it is clear to see that I have uses Adobe Photoshop to change the colour of his pants from Black to Red. I did this because I originally had no red due and as I needed to use this colour I thought it would be a good idea to make something red so that everything on the page goes together. To do this I used Airbrushing and changed the layer to Soft light to give the effect I was looking for. I have also changed the image used for the foreground from landscape to portrait. To do this I used the magic lasso tool on Adobe Photoshop.

I choose this location because it reminds me of a recording studio or some type of studio that someone would practice their music once more leading to the idea of his passion for music. I wanted to look at passion because hopefully the target audience will see some personal identity in their love for music and his. It can also be used as escapism to get away from the real world and gain inspiration to be there if it is their dream.

The target audience will be someone from the ages of 15-18 which is similar age to the target audience of the magazines I looked at for the double page spread. I have not really done anything which goes against the conventions of the magazine except on the barcode as it appears to be transparent and doe not have any numbers. I have done this because the magazine is not going to be sold in a shop so it will be purchased without scanning. The barcode was placed on the magazine so it looks more professional. It is inclusive to a school but not for any particular genre of music as each issue will have a different theme on a different genre of music.

Plan for my magazine

Name and Font for Masthead

I devised a questionnaire to see which names and fonts people preferred, this woiuld then give me an indication on what people prefer and are more likely to buy and look at.

Here is a copy of my questionnaires: Which fonts do you Prefer

Photoshoot Plan and images that will be used on my magazine front cover.

This is a plan of the Photoshoot I will conduct, here I ahve given a rough idea of the shots and images I want to take to put on my front cover or double page spread.
These are the two images I have decided I will use on the front cover of my magazine.