Wednesday 19 May 2010

link to website

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Codes and Conventions which I used for my poster and website

Project Plan

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This is another upload of my project plan. some of the tasks took l;onger then anticipated such as the filming and editing. It was useful to have this project plan as it allowed me to consider what needs to happen, hwoever sticking to it became a bit of a problem.

final poster, website, teaser and teaser page

Etch from St Marylebone Media Studies on Vimeo.

This is the final draft of my poster and website. The layout for my poster has changed slightly since the last draft which I came up with. I tried to make this poster more exciting and thrilling by the layout and hopefully I think I have achieved this.
I have created a teaser page which has two scenes from the teaser in a picture form and a synopsis of the teaser. The reason why I decided to create a teaser page was because I wanted to give more information about my teaser rather than placing it on the same page as the opening page of the website. I prefer it this way because the entire page is dedicated to the film, instead of having the teaser just embedded in the middle of the page as I had done previously.

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Based on the feedback in which I received, I decided that I need to create another poster and website to ensure that it looks more sophisticated and will receive better marks overall. Even though I am creating another version, I am going to use the drafts which I have already come up with and try and create a better layout overall.

Friday 19 March 2010

Website Ideas 2

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Based on my mock ups these are various designs which I have come up with, while I was on Adobe Photoshop. Many of the websites look the same as I have done minor changes to them with exception to the one that has red in it.